In the village of Jodhpura on the outskirts of Agra, a woman named Shilpi Chauhan went to the fields for defecation, where she gave birth to a child.
In India, a pregnant woman gave birth to a baby in an open field, and a wild animal picked up the newborn baby. The woman gave birth, the woman fainted due to the pain, and the baby was dragged by a wild animal while unconscious.
The woman's name is Shilpa Chauhan. According to Indian media, the woman had gone to the fields for defecation. There she suffered and gave birth to a child. The woman fainted due to maternity pain and the baby was dragged by a wild animal while she was unconscious.
People picked up the woman unconscious and rushed her to the hospital, where she is now in a better condition.
The woman said that she had gone to the fields for defecation and there she was in pain and gave birth to a child. The woman said her family kept looking for her and they managed to find her two hours later. The family, with the help of people, rushed the woman to the hospital in an unconscious state. The woman said that when she asked when she regained consciousness, she said there were no children there.
The woman's husband Sunil Chauhan said that when we went back to the same place as told by Shilpi, there were signs of dragging the baby to one side. It was accompanied by the claws of a wild animal. We tried to track down the child with their help but failed. The family reported the incident to police, but they did nothing to help.
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